Company Events
SRP Managing Director’s visit to Armenia
30 September 2016 - Following the official commencement of the consulting services for design, technical and author supervision of the water supply and sewer systems of the Lori Water and Sewerage CJSC and Nor Akunq CJSC service areas, jointly provided by SRP Schneider+Partner Ingenieur-Consult GmbH, EA Energy Advisory LLC and CCG Company under the CIP II Phase 3, the visit of Mr. Werner Kuhnlein, SRP Managing Director was organized to Armenia to overview the setting off the project implementation.
The visit was held on 26-29 September 2016 and encompassed meetings with local partners and the Client - Mr.Patrick Lorin, General Director/Contract Manager of the beneficiary utilities. The last day of the visit was paid on site for consultations with the key staff of Lori WS CJSC and some site visits.
The participants discussed in details projected scope of work and possible adjustments aimed at improvement of the achievements from previous project phases and further renewal of the water supply infrastructure. The parties expressed their good will and readiness for mutual support and collaboration in order to reach the common project target – provision of continuous, 24h/7days water and demand-oriented supply of the Utility all customers with hygienically sound water.
Replacement of Lalvar-Noyemberyan 110 kV Transmission Lines
On 11th of August 2016 High Voltage Electric Networks (HVEN) CJSC has signed a contract with “GAM Arak Industrial” Company of Iran on “Replacement of Lalvar-Noyemberyan 110 kV Transmission Lines”, within the frameworks of “Electricity Supply Reliability” project, funded by World Bank. Within the scope of the Project Consultancy services will be provided by Tractebel Engineering (Belgium) in association with EA Energy Advisory LLC.
The new Lalvar/Noyemberyan transmission line will be double circuit of approximately 28 km from the HVEN Alaverdi No. 2 220/110/35 kV substation in the northern central part of the Republic of Armenia to Noyemberyan 110/35 kV substation at Haghtanak village in the north east of RA, new 110kV double circuit TEE branch from the new main Overhead Line (OHL) route into Akhtala railway substation and the relative connections, new reconfiguration of 110kV double circuit TEE branch connections at the new main OHL route for the existing TEE branch to the Matur mining substation.
The works on replacement of 110kV Lalvar-Noyemberyan transmission lines are foreseen to commence in October 2016 and complete in 2018.
Commencement of water sector project to be announced soon
09 September 2016 - EA Energy Advisory in cooperation with German SRP Schneider+Partner Ingenieur-Consult GmbH and Georgian CCG Companies will provide consulting services under the Communal Infrastructure Program II Phase 3 for Lot 2: Design, Technical and Author Supervision of the water supply and sewer systems of the Lori Water and Sewerage CJSC (Lot 2a) and Nor Akunq CJSC (Lot 2b) service areas, CIP II-P3-L-NA. The Consulting is now declared effective and, as notified by the Client on 26 August 2016, has entered into force. The official commencement date of the services is set for 15 September 2016
The Project is implemented under the Armenian-German Financial Cooperation Agreement and financed by KfW, EIB and EU-NIF. The Project concerns the rehabilitation, renewal and extension of the water supply network as well as some urgent measures in the sewer system of the regional Water Utilities Lori CJSC and Nor Akunq as well as in the waste water treatment plant in Armavir.
Furthermore, the Project includes investments for the surrounding villages. This is to contribute to the sustainable and ecological municipal development, the improvement of the environmental situation, to sustainable and ecologically sound management of the regional water resources as well as the reduction of negative impacts on the health situation of the population in the project region. Additionally, the project targets at establishing a hygienically sound sewage collection and environmentally compatible waste water treatment for Armavir (Nor Akunq CJSC).
The following Project activities shall be financed under Phase 3:
- Construction and rehabilitation of the Water Supply and Sewer Systems including house connections in the project region;
- Procurement of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) equipment;
- Consultancy Services for design works, tendering and supervision;
- Consultancy Services for technical and financial monitoring services (project accounts);
- Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Nor Akunq CJSC) in Armavir.