Construction Supervision

Provision of this important particular service we achieve mainly through the deployment of Technically Competent Persons (TCPs) on the site of construction of energy and water sectors facilities.
As part of these principal activities we will:
- Review and comment on engineering documents, construction specification and construction procedures for gas- and water pipeline, high-voltage substations and electrical transmission line projects
- Review and comment on detailed specifications for major mechanical, electrical and telecommunication equipment (transformers, conductors, insulators, OPGW, SCADA equipment etc.) and hardware (pipes, towers), as well as functional specifications for the overall systems
- Conduct construction site daily supervision during the period of construction works and monitor construction schedule

Construction Supervision
Energy Advisory offers comprehensive supervision, inspection and commissioning services for all types of construction in the energy and water infrastructure sectors. Supervision of the construction works, including installation of equipment and testing, is necessary to ensure that the works are implemented and goods supplied in accordance with the designs, specifications and terms and conditions of the relevant civil works and supply contracts.
For this principal activity our company possesses a special license issued by the Ministry of Urban development of the Republic of Armenia.
Our construction supervision services include:
- Design review and supervision
- Site supervision in accordance with Armenian legal construction requirements
- Continuous contractor site supervision
- Supervision of Contractor’s compliance with Environmental and Social Safeguards
- Support with factory test of materials and equipment, testing and commissioning
- Monitoring of project progress
- Delivered documentation supervision
- Project Control Program
- As-built documentation
We provide the above services as an independent third-party.

Monitoring of Project Progress
We are glad of offer professional services of Monitoring of Project progress, which is required for timely and quality completion of new facilities construction implemented in the infrastructure sector.
As part of these principal activities we will:
- Monitor progress of the project
- Preparation of regular progress reports, such as:
- Summary of main issues and obstacles, including recommended corrective action
- Project Description including time schedule and project value
- Progress and activities of the Contractors
- Progress of FAT
- Progress of manufacturing and deliveries
- Progress of construction versus original schedule
- Actual status of deliveries/works in percentages
- Planned activities for the next reporting period
- Contractors' site office activities and works accomplished
- List of invoices issued by the Contractor and their status
- Progress of contractors' design, preparation of drawings, calculations and other docs
- Actual status of implementation of Environmental Management Plan
- Prepare a detailed Project Control Program
- Hold regular planning and progress meetings to monitor production review of Contractor’s drawings, Contractor’s work progress

Quality Assurance and Inspection
Field services of quaity assuarnce and inspections represent one of the core activities of EA Energy Advisory. Our company offers the following principal activities:
- Assist the Clients with overall quality assurance, including preparation and implementation of Field Quality Plans.
- Monitor and advise the Clients on quality assurance issues during construction and manufacturing process in the framework of energy and water infrastructure construction and facility rehabilitation projects.
- Monitor Health and Safety procedures at construction sites. Suggest and supervise the measures to be taken in order to avoid or mitigate it during construction.

Review of Design and Specs
In the framework of these particular services EA Energy Advisory can review and comment on proposed location of new energy and water facilities, schedule of installation and review and recommend approval of bill of quantities and final price schedule submitted by the contractor. We will review and comment on all design and drawings and technical documents submitted by the contractor including manufacturers' drawings for facilities.
As part of these principal activities we will:- Review the existing environmental and social safeguards documentation, at a minimum the ESIA, framework ESMP and RPF prepared during the feasibility study phase
- Review and comment on all aspects of design and standards proposed by Contractor
- Ensure that Contractor provides calculations and design in accordance with current standards and codes of practice
- Check calculations and drawings prepared by the Contractor
- Review the results of geotechnical investigations done by Contractor
- Review route planning and selection, and sketches, maps showing their location
- Review designs for interconnection and integration of the new equipment with existing SCADA system
- Maintain a dialogue with the Contractor’s design staff to review and comment on Contractor’s design documentation
- Review and recommend approval of designs, plans, technical calculations and final drawings submitted by contractor
- Attend design review and progress meetings
- Prepare the Design Control Progress Record
- Review Plant final working drawings