Energy Consulting in Armenia

Progressive integration of national electricity markets provides significant advantages both in terms of improved utilization of existing supply and production capacities, but also in fostering more cooperation and integration in the region, which would result in economic growth, stability and investment. EA Energy Advisory offers its services aimed at increasing security of energy supply and improving of the quality and reliability of associated services. Our company stands ready to support Armenian government agencies, public and private stakeholders to improve the reliability of the service and reduce technical and commercial losses of energy, as well as energy consumption and maintenance costs.
EA Energy Advisory offers the following range of consulting services in the energy sector of Armenia.
Our services:Consulting and Technical Services

Implementation Support
EA Energy Advisory offers consulting services to assist energy companies with administration of the Design, Supply and Installation contracts and technical supervision of power plants, high-voltage electricity lines and substations, including: (a) review of designs, (b) quality assurance and technical inspection of line replacement works; (c) supervision of contractor’s compliance with environmental and social safeguards requirements of the Design, Supply and Installation Contract; (d) support with Contract management; (e) assisting in developing its in house capabilities in engineering, design and project management of 110 kV and above transmission lines and substations through both formal and on-the-job training; and (f) support with factory test of materials and equipment, testing and commissioning.
Design review- Review previous feasibility studies.
- Review the existing environmental and social safeguards documentation, at a minimum the ESIA, framework ESMP and RPF prepared during the feasibility study phase.
- Review and comment on all aspects of design and standards proposed by Contractor.
- Ensure that Contractor provides calculations and design in accordance with current standards and codes of practice.
- Check calculations and drawings prepared by the Contractor.
- Review the results of geotechnical investigations done by Contractor.
- Review route planning and selection, and sketches, maps showing their location.
- Review designs for connection and integration of the new substation equipment required for ensuring interconnection and operation with existing SCADA system.
- Review the proposed measures related to adjustment and commissioning of all new equipment to be installed in order to provide proper operation of SCADA system.
- Review and comment on Contractor’s design documentation.
- Review final design and give recommendation to approve it.
- Attend design review and progress meetings.
- Prepare the Design Control Progress Record.

Contract management
As one of the leading engineering and consulting companies in the Energy Sector of the Republic of Armenia, we offer our Clients comprehensive contract management services. Our contract management specialists use thorough experience to identify and deliver tailor made services.
Our services include:- Controlling program schedules (construction and supply schedule)
- Revision and approval of the invoices
- Assistance in resolving disputes and claims
- Rate analysis and recommendation of rates
- Supporting of procurement and financial management staff of the Client on contract management issues
- Managing and controlling all variation order and contract amendment procedures.
We know how to combine all these aspects into a solution that address requirements of our Clients.

- Economic appraisal of the investment project, including:
- Identification of the key direct and indirect quantifiable and unquantifiable economic costs and benefits, including, but not limited to reliability of future energy facilities, reduction in energy and water losses, savings in O&M cost, etc.
- Estimation of economic viability of the project in form of key metrics (EIRR, NPV, other).
- Conduction of sensitivity analysis.
- Presentation of cost estimates.
- Financial appraisal of the project, including:
- Identification of the key direct and indirect quantifiable and unquantifiable financial costs and benefits, including, but not limited to reliability of future energy facilities, reduction in energy and water losses, savings in O&M cost, etc.
- Presentation of financial viability of the project in form of key metrics (FIRR, NPV, other).
- Conduction of sensitivity analysis.
- Expression of the project costs and benefits in financial prices.
- Presentation of cost estimates in the economic analysis converted to financial costs.
- Analysis of the enterprise’s condition
- Development of purposes
- Development of the company’s medium-term strategy
- Development of industrial policy
- Building management and maintenance
- Day-to-day logistics services
- Programming support
- Budgeting support
- Conceptual design of IT infrastructure
- Audit of IT infrastructure.
- Collection of data on the company’s development strategy, current and planned activities towards restructuring and development of IT infrastructure;
- Inspection of all the IT infrastructure components in use at the customer’s enterprise;
- Identification of specific requirements towards infrastructural support of the company’s operations and current problems and shortcomings;
- Design of the IT infrastructure model, identification of a set of requirements to its components and their interrelation;
- Definition of the project portfolio for implementation of the identified IT infrastructure model.
- Infrastructure components
- Telecommunication and network equipment
- Server hardware
- Worksite hardware
- Telephony and data transmission channels
- Information security
- Topological investigation (undulation, elevation, mud and rock slide, river and swamp)
- Identifying possible obstacles to the route of new pipeline or power lines (existing lines, road, communication lines, radio wave communication, buildings and others)
- Determining preliminary power line tower locations thorough stereoscopic (3D) observation or topographic mapping, and exploratory investigation for each tower location to determine the possibility of line construction
- Surveying and surveying map creation, including routing for new potential linear energy and infrastructure facilities (gas and water pipelines, high-voltage line)
- Location of equipment, support structures, trench and cable location
- Enterprise GIS
- GIS and database automation
- Database and information management
- Application development and programming
- 3D modeling
- Mobile mapping
- Field surveys and GPS data collection and processing
- Asset management
- Geodatabase design
- GPS and field deployment
- Cartography and map template design
- GIS and CAD integration
- Web-based GIS and mapping
- Development of Gasline 1.01 Geographical Information System of the gas transportation system of Armenia
- Development of Gasline 1.02 Register of Assets System of the gas transportation system of Armenia
- Development of Gastore 1.01 Geographical Information and Register of Assets System of the Abovyan underground gas storage
Source: Armenia 2022 Energy Policy Review. International Energy Agency. Co-funded by the European Union
EA Energy Advisory’s group of Modelling experts is committed to providing clients with greater insight into their financial and operational decision-making process. Timely and relevant information can really support you in making the right business decisions. More specifically, we have developed a financial modelling offering, helping our clients with cash flow forecasting, investment appraisals and evaluating complex business decisions for the various projects implemented in the energy and water infrastructure sector of Armenia.
Economic and financial analyses of proposed investments represent one of the core activities of EA Energy Advisory and consist of bellow mentioned.
Our final deliverable is about modelling (or simulating) the financial impact of business decisions, from basic cash flow forecasting, through acquisitions and divestments, to capital investment appraisals and decisions on capital structure and fund raising.

Advisory and Assistance
Energy Advisory is experienced in working closely together with the Governmental authorities, state-owned and private energy companies, international financial organizations and private lenders, local partners in the Republic of Armenia, and in finding solutions which take the particular local economic, financial, environmental and other specific conditions into consideration. We offer services in strategic planning and elaboration of concepts for development of companies acting in the energy market of Armenia and abroad. The main components of strategic planning are the following:
We also offer a broad range of logistics support and other augmentation support services to government customers, including program reviews and procurement support

IT Services
EA Energy Advisory offers successful and efficient implementation of all types of projects in the field of information technologies starting from strategic planning to deployment and maintenance of complex systems. In particular, the company offers the following services:
Conceptual design of IT infrastructure encompasses the following activities:
Audit of IT infrastructure at the customer’s enterprise will help collect quality data about the current state of the technical infrastructure at the company. Our specialist will then be able to report about the following:

Surveying / Mapping
EA Energy Advisory is an expert in data collection, including determination of exact locations of energy infrastructure facilities (substations, towers etc) thorough stereoscopic (3D) observation, topographic mapping and gas- and water pipelines, high voltage line route selection.
Our team is also experienced in GIS and database automation, applications programming, spatial modeling, 3D modeling, advanced image analysis, and interactive web mapping.
Web-based GIS and Mapping Services
EA Energy Advisory develops web-based GIS systems which allow clients to view and share project information with multiple users through customized map interfaces.

These tools save time and money by communicating information quickly and efficiently to aid in the decision making process throughout the life of a project. The most valuable GIS projects implemented by us is brought bellow: