Company Events
EA Energy Advisory LLC was anew awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Energy Charter

EA Energy Advisory LLC was anew awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Energy Charter for its contribution to the development of the report on the assessment of investment risks in the energy sector until 2021 (No. EIRA2021).# EIRA2021 was developed under the chairmanship of Armenia at the Energy Charter Conference. This year's report is the culmination of a four-year process in which the EIRA team assessed the political, regulatory and legal risks for energy investments in the participating countries. In addition, the team tracked actions taken by governments over the past four years to mitigate these risks and implement the improvements suggested in previous releases of the report.
The electronic version of EIRA2021 is available at and on the EA Energy Advisory LLC website under Resources - Reports and Publications
EA Energy Advisory LLC was conducted the study for UNDP/GEF project

EA Energy Advisory LLC was conducted the study for development of the strategy for the management of firewood collection and distribution from the forests. The strategy was developed under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia by UNDP and GEF financial support within the framework of the “Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Forest Management in the Mountainous Landscapes of Northeastern Armenia” project.
This study aims to define an alternative strategy to address the management of firewood collection and distribution from the forest. For this purpose, the relevant policy, legal and regulatory framework was analyzed at first hand, than field investigations were performed to find the local people needs, options and use of alternative sources of energy, feasibility of alternative options of energy to fuelwood in terms of policy, supply and demand, technical, economic and social aspects. Finally, road map is developed with recommendations to deal with alternative energy needs of local communities, including options for improved management of fuel wood harvest and collection, alternative sources of energy and mechanisms for their implementation. The results of this study are intended for a wide range of professionals in the fields of forestry, agriculture, environment, engineering, economics and related fields, as well as students and researchers.
The electronic version of the report is posted on the Climate Change Information Center (CCIC) of Armenia website on the following link and on the EA Energy Advisory LLC website in the section Resources - Reports and Publications
EA Energy Advisory LLC was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation from the Energy Charter Secretariat

The Energy Charter Secretariat awarded the Certificate of Appreciation to EA Energy Advisory LLC for its contribution to the development of the Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2020 report (#EIRA2020). The report which was welcomed by high-level representatives from governments, international financial institutions and the energy industry, focuses on policy implementation and summarizes the actions taken by governments to mitigate the EIRA risks and address the improvements suggested in the report's previous editions. It also includes statistics from the Orbis Crossborder Investment database on the investment trends in the participating countries over the last five years, the target industries that received the most attention, the number of projects and deals completed in this timeframe, and their monetary value.
The electronic version of the EIRA2020 edition is posted on the website and on the EA Energy Advisory LLC website in the section Resources - Reports and Publications
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